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tolong BHS Inggris nya kak cum a 8 soal sy janji coin nya 40 ke atas deh​

Kunci Jawaban tolong BHS Inggris nya kak cum a 8 soal sy janji coin nya 40 ke atas deh​
Kami mempunyai 2 jawaban dari tolong BHS Inggris nya kak cum a 8 soal sy janji coin nya 40 ke atas deh​. Silakan pelajari jawaban selengkapnya disini:

Jawaban: #1:

Jawaban: 1) the librarian serves the visitor

2) may the student borrow the library book

3) i need a dictionary to find the meaning of a word

4) we can get news from newspaper

5) Gadis is the name of magazine

6) the members can read in a library

7) we usually go to the library together

8) Mario wants to borrow a novel

Penjelasan: Maaf kalo salah :)

Jawaban: #2:


1. The librarian serves the visitors.

2. May students borrow books in the library?

3. I need a dictionary to find the meaning of a answer.

4. We can get news from newspapers.

5. The magazine name is "Gadis"

6. The members can read in the library.

7. We usually go to the library together.

8. Mario wants to borrow a novel

smg membantu

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