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3. Sabar : Guess what the coach asked me to become the captain for football team. Arif : Really? It'...

Kunci Jawaban 3. Sabar : Guess what the coach asked me
to become the captain for football
Arif : Really? It's great, guys.
The underline word is expression of
a. asking attention
b. responding attention
c. giving opinion​
Kami punya 1 jawaban atas 3. Sabar : Guess what the coach asked me
to become the captain for football
Arif : Really? It's great, guys.
The underline word is expression of
a. asking attention
b. responding attention
c. giving opinion​. Silakan lihat jawaban selengkapnya di bawah ini:

Jawaban: #1:

Asking for Attention


Sabar : Guess what, the coach asked me  to become the captain for football


Arif : Really? It's great, guys.

The underline word is expression of  ..

=> a. asking attention


Frase "Guess what" merupakan salah satu ungkapan yang digunakan untuk meminta perhatian (asking attention ). Perhatikan penjelasan lebih lanjut berikut ini!

Expressing Attention merupakan cara yang digunakan untuk meminta seseorang memfokuskan perhatiannya kepada kita atau sebaliknya kita yang memfokuskan perhatian kepada orang yang sedang berbicara.

Contoh Asking for Attention (Meminta Perhatian)  

  • Attention, please! (Mohon perhatian!)  
  • May I have your attention, please! (Bolehkah saya meminta perhatianmu!)  
  • Your attention, please! (Mohon perhatian!)  
  • Excuse me! (Permisi!)  
  • Sorry to trouble you. (Maaf mengganggumu.)  
  • Sorry to bother you. (Maaf mengganggumu.)  
  • Look, what I've got here. (Lihat, apa yang saya dapatkan disini.)  
  • Look! (Lihat!)  
  • Hey! (Hey!)  
  • Hey, listen! I have a good news. (Hey, dengarkan. Saya mempunyai berita bagus.)  
  • Hi, guess! I got an interesting news. (Hai, tebak. Saya mendapatkan kabar menarik.)  
  • Listen! I have something to tell you. (Dengar! Saya mempunyai sesuatu untuk diceritakan kepadamu.)







Kelas : 8  

Mata Pelajaran: bahasa Inggris  

Bab : 1

Kode: 8.5.1


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