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tolong bantu besok dikumpulkan:) A) To: all basketball players of SMP 10 there will be a basketball...

Kunci Jawaban tolong bantu besok dikumpulkan:)
A) To: all basketball players of SMP 10
there will be a basketball (exhibition/competition)
for SMP students next month. march 9 to 12.
our team will (practice/promote) everyday during this week. we have to (win/lose)
keep up the good team work!

Kobe Bryant

1. to whom is the announcement?
2.when will the competition be?
3.why does the exercise held every day?
4.who is the trainer of SMP 10 team?
5.what is the purpose of the text?
6.the world "we" in the text refer to...

B) announcement

assignment for year VII students
Go to the library and borrow an English magazine. find an article on school life an write a summary. submit it next week.

see Mrs. Ann in the teacher's room for further information

Mrs. ann
1.who make the announcement?
2.to whom is the announcement?
3.where should the students go?
4.what should the students do there?
5.wha is the similar meaning of " assignment "?
6.the word" it" in the text refer to?

Kami ada 1 jawaban atas tolong bantu besok dikumpulkan:)
A) To: all basketball players of SMP 10
there will be a basketball (exhibition/competition)
for SMP students next month. march 9 to 12.
our team will (practice/promote) everyday during this week. we have to (win/lose)
keep up the good team work!

Kobe Bryant

1. to whom is the announcement?
2.when will the competition be?
3.why does the exercise held every day?
4.who is the trainer of SMP 10 team?
5.what is the purpose of the text?
6.the world "we" in the text refer to...

B) announcement

assignment for year VII students
Go to the library and borrow an English magazine. find an article on school life an write a summary. submit it next week.

see Mrs. Ann in the teacher's room for further information

Mrs. ann
1.who make the announcement?
2.to whom is the announcement?
3.where should the students go?
4.what should the students do there?
5.wha is the similar meaning of " assignment "?
6.the word" it" in the text refer to?

. Silakan lihat jawaban selengkapnya disini:

Jawaban: #1:

1. All basketball team of SMP 10

2. The competition Will be on march 9 to 12

3. Because they must win the competition

4. The trainer is Kobe Bryant

5. The purpose of the text is to announced about basketball competition

6. Basketball team of SMP 10

1. Mrs Ann

2. Students in grade VII

3. The students should go to the library

4. The students should find and article on school life

5. Assignment = task

6. It refers to the articles

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