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Firman : Are Mira's and Lina's teams playing in the court? (yes) Juna : (1) Yes, they are playing in...

Kunci Jawaban Firman : Are Mira's and Lina's teams playing in the
court? (yes)
Juna : (1) Yes, they are playing in the court.
Firman : Is Lina holding the ball? (yes)
Juna : (2)
Firman : Is Mira blocking Lina's movement (yes)
Juna : (3)
Firman : Is Mira bringing the ball? (no)
Juna : (4)
Firman : Are the spectators cheering both of the
teams? (yes)
Juna : (5)​
Kami punya 1 jawaban atas Firman : Are Mira's and Lina's teams playing in the
court? (yes)
Juna : (1) Yes, they are playing in the court.
Firman : Is Lina holding the ball? (yes)
Juna : (2)
Firman : Is Mira blocking Lina's movement (yes)
Juna : (3)
Firman : Is Mira bringing the ball? (no)
Juna : (4)
Firman : Are the spectators cheering both of the
teams? (yes)
Juna : (5)​. Silakan lihat jawaban selengkapnya di bawah:

Jawaban: #1:


Firman : Is Lina holding the ball? (yes)

Juna : (2) Yes, she holds it

Firman : Is Mira blocking Lina's movement (yes)

Juna : (3) Yes, mira got in his way

Firman : Is Mira bringing the ball? (no)

Juna : (4) No, she didn't bring it

Firman : Are the spectators cheering both of the

teams? (yes)

Juna : (5) Yes, the audience cheers the audience


(◍•ᴗ•◍) Semoga membantu ^^

jika salah maaf ya (ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू)

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