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Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first. Use the word in brackets. 1 That col...

Kunci Jawaban Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first. Use the word in brackets. 1 That colour is too bright. (dark) That colour isn't dark enough. 2 The shopping basket is too heavy. (light) The shopping basket..... 3 The film wasn't exciting enough for me. (boring The film .... for me. 4 Our football team is too small. (players) We haven't got .... in our football team. 5 The library is never quiet enough. (noisy) The library is always......​
Kami mempunyai 1 jawaban mengenai Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first. Use the word in brackets. 1 That colour is too bright. (dark) That colour isn't dark enough. 2 The shopping basket is too heavy. (light) The shopping basket..... 3 The film wasn't exciting enough for me. (boring The film .... for me. 4 Our football team is too small. (players) We haven't got .... in our football team. 5 The library is never quiet enough. (noisy) The library is always......​. Silakan pelajari jawaban lebih lanjut di bawah:

Jawaban: #1:


Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first. Use the word in brackets.

1 That colour is too bright. (dark) That colour isn't dark enough.

2 The shopping basket is too heavy. (light) The shopping basket isn't light enough.

3 The film wasn't exciting enough for me. (boring) The film is boring enough for me.

4 Our football team is too small. (players) We haven't got enough players in our football team.

5 The library is never quiet enough. (noisy) The library is always noisy enough.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Adverb (kata keterangan) dan Determiner (penentu) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Adverb adalah kata keterangan yang memodifikasi / memperkuat makna dari kata sifat / kata kerja atau kata keterangan lainnya dalam kalimat. Contohnya pada jawaban nomor 1, 2, 3 dan 5

Kata "enough (cukup)" sebagai Determiner adalah penentu yang menentukan sebanyak apa yang dibutuhkan. Contohnya seperti pada jawaban nomor 4

1 Warna itu terlalu cerah. (gelap) Warna itu tidak cukup gelap.

2 Keranjang belanja terlalu berat. (ringan) Keranjang belanja tidak cukup ringan.

3 Film itu tidak cukup menarik bagi saya. (membosankan) Film ini cukup membosankan bagi saya.

4 Tim sepak bola kita terlalu kecil. (pemain) Kami tidak memiliki cukup pemain di tim sepak bola kami.

5 Perpustakaan tidak pernah cukup sepi. (berisik) Perpustakaan selalu cukup berisik.

Semoga membantu ya.

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