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apakah kalimat ini termasuk compound sentence : although the sport is new, it has already attracted...

Kunci Jawaban apakah kalimat ini termasuk compound sentence : although the sport is new, it has already attracted six collegiate teams in the southeast
Kami punya 1 jawaban mengenai apakah kalimat ini termasuk compound sentence : although the sport is new, it has already attracted six collegiate teams in the southeast. Silakan lihat jawaban lebih lanjut di bawah:

Jawaban: #1:
compound sentence (kalimat majemuk) merupakan kalimat yang terdiri dari dua atau lebih simple sentence atau independent clause. simple sentence berpola subject + verb
sedangkan kalimat ''the sport is new'' kata 'new' bukanlah kata kerja. jadi kalimat tersebut bukan compound sentence

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