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Your team has worked hard to finish the science project. You want to appreciate them. You'll say......

Kunci Jawaban Your team has worked hard to finish the
science project. You want to appreciate
them. You'll say... artiya​
Kami mempunyai 2 jawaban dari Your team has worked hard to finish the
science project. You want to appreciate
them. You'll say... artiya​. Silakan pelajari jawaban selanjutnya disini:

Jawaban: #1:


Tim kamu telah bekerja keras untuk menyelesaikan proyek sains. Kamu ingin mengapresiasi kepada mereka. Kamu berkata....


teks yg di atas adalah artinya

Jawaban: #2:


Artinya: tim Anda telah bekerja keras untuk menyelesaikan proyek sains. Anda ingin menghargai mereka. Anda akan mengatakan...

semoga membantu

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