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How To Play Tug O'War ————— give orderto pull the rope ————— line teams up facing each other ————— d...

Kunci Jawaban How To Play Tug O'War

————— give orderto pull the rope

————— line teams up facing each other

————— declare the winner when one team pulls the rope over the marked line

————— tell the teams to hold the rope

————— prepare a long thick rope

————— put a piece of cloth tied at the middle of the rope

————— make two teams of equal number

Kami ada 1 jawaban atas How To Play Tug O'War

————— give orderto pull the rope

————— line teams up facing each other

————— declare the winner when one team pulls the rope over the marked line

————— tell the teams to hold the rope

————— prepare a long thick rope

————— put a piece of cloth tied at the middle of the rope

————— make two teams of equal number

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Jawaban: #1:


Cara Bermain Tug O'War

————— berikan perintah untuk menarik talinya

————— antrean tim saling berhadapan

————— menyatakan pemenang ketika satu tim menarik tali melewati garis yang ditandai

————— Memberitahu tim untuk memegang tali

————— siapkan tali tebal panjang

————— Letakkan selembar kain yang diikat di tengah tali

————— membuat dua tim dengan jumlah yang sama

</s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> orang </s>

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