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Tolong dibantu :) Read the text carefully!When I was in junior high school,I really loved football E...

Kunci Jawaban Tolong dibantu :) Read the text carefully!When I was in junior high school,I really loved football Every saturday afternoon I practiced In school field with my team and my coach They were strong and smart players My coach Mr Nana was a very kind person but while he was coaching us,he was very dicipline,He would grounded anyone who came late and not obeyed the team's rules With Mr Nana our team won many tournaments in many big cities our team named 15 teamfrom SMP Peribumi Jakseland we had many fans too,you know oh,that's so cold Now I still love football and have a team too But my parents warn me to pay attention more to my study Football just for hobby.Soalnya1.what is title of the text above?.2.What is the purpose of the text above?.3.Which statement is true based on the text.4."they were strong and smart players".The antonym strong is.......|5|".........and we had many fans too,you know"paragraph 2The word 'WE'refer to......Mohon bantuanya
Kami ada 2 jawaban mengenai Tolong dibantu :) Read the text carefully!When I was in junior high school,I really loved football Every saturday afternoon I practiced In school field with my team and my coach They were strong and smart players My coach Mr Nana was a very kind person but while he was coaching us,he was very dicipline,He would grounded anyone who came late and not obeyed the team's rules With Mr Nana our team won many tournaments in many big cities our team named 15 teamfrom SMP Peribumi Jakseland we had many fans too,you know oh,that's so cold Now I still love football and have a team too But my parents warn me to pay attention more to my study Football just for hobby.Soalnya1.what is title of the text above?.2.What is the purpose of the text above?.3.Which statement is true based on the text.4."they were strong and smart players".The antonym strong is.......|5|".........and we had many fans too,you know"paragraph 2The word 'WE'refer to......Mohon bantuanya. Silakan lihat jawaban selengkapnya disini:

Jawaban: #1:
1. Recount
2.To list and describe past experience by retelling event in order they happenned(chronologicaly)
3. statement mana ?
4. weak
5. the team and I

Jawaban: #2:
Read the text carefully!When I was in junior high school,I really loved football Every saturday afternoon I practiced In school field with my team and my coach They were strong and smart players My coach Mr Nana was a very kind person but while he was coaching us,he was very dicipline,He would grounded anyone who came late and not obeyed the team's rules With Mr Nana our team won many tournaments in many big cities our team named 15 teamfrom SMP Peribumi Jakseland we had many fans too,you know oh,that's so cold Now I still love football and have a team too But my parents warn me to pay attention more to my study Football just for hobby.
1.what is title of the text above?.

Football just for hobby.
2.What is the purpose of the text above?
answ: this text about in football team at my school
.3.Which statement is true based on the text.
#ini harus ada kalimat pilihannya
4."they were strong and smart players".
The antonym strong is.......|5|".........and we had many fans too,you know"paragraph 2The word 'WE'refer to......
(football team)

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