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Tolong bantu kak Ngasal report Benar jadikan terbaik + followers ig 1. Dewi: Can you help me to lift...

Kunci Jawaban Tolong bantu kak
Ngasal report
Benar jadikan terbaik + followers ig
1. Dewi: Can you help me to lift this heavy table?Dena: I am sorry, I am not able to lift it in that way. It is too heavy for me.
The underlined sentence shows......
A. SurpriseB. Incapability
C. CapabilityD. LikeE. Advice

2.Valet: Laundry, may I help you?Guest: I need a button sewn on a shirt. Can you do it for me?Valet: Yes, Sir. We will be able to have it done for you.Guest: Thank you. By the way, can I get it back before 5 p.m.?Valet: Certainly, Sir. I'll send someone up for it immediately.
The underlined sentence shows ....
A. SurpriseB. Incapability
C. CapabilityD. LikeE. Advice

3. InterviewerI wonder if you can operate Microsoft Windows.Interviewee : Yes, Ma^ prime at . I can operate Word, Excel, and Power Point as well.Besides, I'm able to take short hands.Interviewer : Good. Can you speak Japanese or Chinese?Interviewee : I'm sorry, Ma'am. I can't either speak Japanese or Chinese.The underlined sentence shows ....
A. SurpriseB. Incapability
C. CapabilityD. LikeE. Advice

4.The following text to no 4 to 7Andi Goal! That's great. My favorite team has beaten the opponent.Tony Yeah! I'm very pleased and happy tonight.Finally, they can get the cup they are longing for.Dony: Ok, friends. Don't make a noise. Let's watch again how our favorite team hasbeaten the opponent. The TV will re-play the way our favorite team make goal.Andi: Good idea.Do they have the same favorite team?
A. Yes, they have same favorite team.
B. No, they have different favorite team.
C. Toni having different with both his favorite teams
D. Andi having different with both his favorite teams
E. Dony having different with both his favorite teams

5.The following text to no 4 to 7Andi Goal! That's great. My favorite team has beaten the opponent.Tony Yeah! I'm very pleased and happy tonight.Finally, they can get the cup they are longing for.Dony: Ok, friends. Don't make a noise. Let's watch again how our favorite team hasbeaten the opponent. The TV will re-play the way our favorite team make goal.Andi Good idea.Where does the dialogue happen?
A. Cinema
B. Futsal field
C. Ball field
D. In front of TVE. Field

6.The following text to no 4 to 7Andi Goal! That's great. My favorite team has beaten the opponent.Tony Yeah! I'm very pleased and happy tonight.Finally, they can get the cup they are longing for.Dony: Ok, friends. Don't make a noise. Let's watch again how our favorite team hasbeaten the opponent. The TV will re-play the way our favorite team make goal.Andi Good idea.How do they feel?
A. Sad
B. Happy
C. Bad
D. Sick
E. Angry

7.The following text to no 4 to 7Andi : Goal! That's great. My favorite team has beaten the opponent.Tony Yeah! I'm very pleased and happy tonight.Finally, they can get the cup they are longing for.Dony : Ok, friends. Don't make a noise. Let's watch again how our favorite team hasbeaten the opponent. The TV will re-play the way our favorite team make goal.Andi: Good idea.The underlined sentence shows ....
A. Surprise
B. Incapability
C. Capability
D. Like
E. Advice​
Kami ada 2 jawaban mengenai Tolong bantu kak
Ngasal report
Benar jadikan terbaik + followers ig
1. Dewi: Can you help me to lift this heavy table?Dena: I am sorry, I am not able to lift it in that way. It is too heavy for me.
The underlined sentence shows......
A. SurpriseB. Incapability
C. CapabilityD. LikeE. Advice

2.Valet: Laundry, may I help you?Guest: I need a button sewn on a shirt. Can you do it for me?Valet: Yes, Sir. We will be able to have it done for you.Guest: Thank you. By the way, can I get it back before 5 p.m.?Valet: Certainly, Sir. I'll send someone up for it immediately.
The underlined sentence shows ....
A. SurpriseB. Incapability
C. CapabilityD. LikeE. Advice

3. InterviewerI wonder if you can operate Microsoft Windows.Interviewee : Yes, Ma^ prime at . I can operate Word, Excel, and Power Point as well.Besides, I'm able to take short hands.Interviewer : Good. Can you speak Japanese or Chinese?Interviewee : I'm sorry, Ma'am. I can't either speak Japanese or Chinese.The underlined sentence shows ....
A. SurpriseB. Incapability
C. CapabilityD. LikeE. Advice

4.The following text to no 4 to 7Andi Goal! That's great. My favorite team has beaten the opponent.Tony Yeah! I'm very pleased and happy tonight.Finally, they can get the cup they are longing for.Dony: Ok, friends. Don't make a noise. Let's watch again how our favorite team hasbeaten the opponent. The TV will re-play the way our favorite team make goal.Andi: Good idea.Do they have the same favorite team?
A. Yes, they have same favorite team.
B. No, they have different favorite team.
C. Toni having different with both his favorite teams
D. Andi having different with both his favorite teams
E. Dony having different with both his favorite teams

5.The following text to no 4 to 7Andi Goal! That's great. My favorite team has beaten the opponent.Tony Yeah! I'm very pleased and happy tonight.Finally, they can get the cup they are longing for.Dony: Ok, friends. Don't make a noise. Let's watch again how our favorite team hasbeaten the opponent. The TV will re-play the way our favorite team make goal.Andi Good idea.Where does the dialogue happen?
A. Cinema
B. Futsal field
C. Ball field
D. In front of TVE. Field

6.The following text to no 4 to 7Andi Goal! That's great. My favorite team has beaten the opponent.Tony Yeah! I'm very pleased and happy tonight.Finally, they can get the cup they are longing for.Dony: Ok, friends. Don't make a noise. Let's watch again how our favorite team hasbeaten the opponent. The TV will re-play the way our favorite team make goal.Andi Good idea.How do they feel?
A. Sad
B. Happy
C. Bad
D. Sick
E. Angry

7.The following text to no 4 to 7Andi : Goal! That's great. My favorite team has beaten the opponent.Tony Yeah! I'm very pleased and happy tonight.Finally, they can get the cup they are longing for.Dony : Ok, friends. Don't make a noise. Let's watch again how our favorite team hasbeaten the opponent. The TV will re-play the way our favorite team make goal.Andi: Good idea.The underlined sentence shows ....
A. Surprise
B. Incapability
C. Capability
D. Like
E. Advice​. Silakan lihat jawaban selanjutnya disini:

Jawaban: #1:


1.b Incapability

2. C. Capability

3.E. Advice

4.A. Yes, they have same favorite team.

5.D. In front of TV

6.b happy

7.a surprise

semoga membantu

Jawaban: #2:


1. B incapability (ketidakmampuan)

2. C capability (kemampuan /kesanggupan)

3. Nomor 3 bisa capability atau incapability (tergantung kata yg di garis bawahi yg mana)?

4. A. Yes, they have same favorite team

5. D. In front of TVE. field

6. B. Happy

7. - karena tidak tau kata yg bergaris bawah, maka tidak bisa jawab


1. Menyatakan incapability atau ketidakmampuan karena dena mengatakan bahwa benda itu terlalu berat untuknya sehingga dia tidak bisa bantu mengangkatnya.

2. Menyatakan kesanggupan /kemampuan karena ketika tamu meminta sesuatu,, valetnya menyaggupinya.

3. Sertakan kata yg bergarisbawah supaya bisa dijawab.

4. Mereka bertiga punya tim favorit yg sama. Karena mereka sangat senang ketika tim favorit mereka mencetak gol

5. Percakapan tsb terjadi di depan layar TV

6. Perasaan mereka bertiga yaitu senang karena Tim favorit bisa mencetak gol

7. Sertakan kata yg digaris bawah supaya bisa dijawab

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