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tolong buatkan lebih banyak percakapan meeting soalnya untuk dibuat video meeting. terimakasih

Kunci Jawaban tolong buatkan lebih banyak percakapan meeting soalnya untuk dibuat video meeting. terimakasih
Kami ada 1 jawaban dari tolong buatkan lebih banyak percakapan meeting soalnya untuk dibuat video meeting. terimakasih. Silakan baca jawaban selengkapnya di bawah:

Jawaban: #1:
T :hello miss,you look confused.What can i help for you ? Y :Oh,yes.Thank you.I was confused .. T :Why..? Y :I've just arrived here and i'm from tana toraja.I'm looking for a hotel here.Do you know is where a good hotel here? T :Yes over there.,go ahead,after that, in front turn left,in the corner there is a hotel.The hotel name is bali's hotel. Y :Oh,I see.Thank you very much. T :If I may know,how long will you stay at bali.? Y :I will stay about 5 days. T :Where exactly do you live in tana toraja.? Y :I live in Makale city. T :With whom do you come over here ? Y :Actually I come with my friend from school. T :What's the name of your school ? Y :My school name is senior high school of chatolic makale.. if so thank you very much for the information.I'll go now.. T :OK,you're welcome. Y :Go..(under way..) T :Wait...?! Y :Yes,what's wrong ?? T :I almost forgot .We have not known each other.My name is Theza septari.Please call me theza. Y :My name is Melyani tuti,but you can call me Yani.Ok once again thank you very much. T :Yes,you're welcome.Good bye and becareful on the way.. Y :Ok,sure. :)

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